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Intellectual Property Sector

Choosing the right location for your intellectual property (IP) can be one of the most important business decisions you make. The three critical factors to consider when deciding where to house your IP are:

  1. Whether it fits with the businesses strategic outlook
  2. Whether it provides a secure, legislative framework
  3. Whether it ensures long term tax efficiency

Benefits Of Locating Your Intellectual Property In Cyprus

As well as being part of the EU, Cyprus is a signatory to all major IP treaties and protocols. The nation offers a wide, double tax treaty network and access to the EU Interest and Royalty Directive, placing Cyprus amongst the leading jurisdictions to house IPs.

The IP regime in Cyprus covers patented inventions and trademarks, designs and models. It also covers copyrights across a broad range of areas, including: literary, dramatic, musical, scientific and artistic works, sound recordings, films, broadcasts, published editions, databases, publications and software programmes. 

Income related to intellectual property in Cyprus is largely exempt from tax. This means that if your business is registered in Cyprus, it will benefit hugely. Some of the highlights of this practice include:

  • 80% of worldwide royalty income generated from IPs owned by Cpryiot resident companies is exempt from income tax. 
  • 80% of profit generated from the disposal of IPs owned by Cypriot resident companies is also exempt from income tax. 
  • Capital expenditure for the acquisition or development of IPs can be claimed as a tax deduction in the year in which it was incurred, and the immediate four following years on a straight-line

If you want to know more about the benefits of registering your intellectual property in Cyprus, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

EQ:IQ And The UK Intellectual Property Sector

Our dedicated team of consultancy professionals have a wealth of experience in helping individuals and businesses alike register their intellectual property in Cyprus. We offer a comprehensive list of services to help you on this journey, including the following: 

  • Company and trust formation
  • Regulatory support from a well-established and highly respected regulatory body
  • Banking services
  • Audit, accounting and payroll services
  • Tax advice and structuring
  • Serviced offices and commercial substance
  • Access to professional expertise
Escrow Services