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Tax Advisory

Tax advisory services are imperative for businesses and individuals who are striving to adhere to the law, to be more efficient or to expand their interests, either at home or overseas. At EQ:IQ, we offer a comprehensive service that encompasses all areas of taxation, informed by an abundance of relevant industry experience and knowledge. 

Tax Advisory Services

International Taxation

When seeking to expand your business or assets abroad, it is important that you understand the international taxation that you must pay. EQ:IQ can offer a wealth of advice across all areas, from transfer pricing to thin capitalization issues. We can guide you through any issues that may arise or queries you may have – find out more today!


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Individual and Corporate Taxation

Tax efficiency coupled with accurate compliance is hugely important, for individuals and businesses alike. The potential consequences for failing to file and pay the correct taxes can be huge. At EQ:IQ, we specialise in offering tax advisory services which encompass all avenues – from income tax to the taxation of collective investment vehicles. 


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Indirect Taxation

Indirect taxation refers to the tax placed upon goods and services, prior to their sale. While the customer will generally not notice this tax, it is crucial that a business understands and adheres to its various requirements. We provide VAT advice, and can even speak with VAT authorities on your behalf. See exactly what EQ:IQ can do for you and your business. 


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UK Anti-Avoidance & International Structuring

At EQ:IQ, we have plenty of experience in ensuring that your business is properly structured to operate in the most tax efficient manner possible. It is essential that you are following best practices, which is something that we can support and advise upon as needed. 


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UK IHT & Succession planning

Our tax advisory services guarantee peace of mind, ensuring that you and your family are in the best possible position if the worst should happen. By navigating inheritance tax laws and engaging in comprehensive succession planning, our dedicated team can help you to structure and distribute your existing assets, and provide a hassle-free experience for your loved ones. 


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EBTs/EFRBS & Disguised Remuneration (DR)

Employment tax and pension tax comprise some of our most in-demand services. Not only can we offer extensive advice, helping you to navigate the complexities of EBTs, ERBS and the DR rules, but we can also assist with HMRC interactions and guide you through the different processes and rules. 


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Permanent establishment (PE) and substance

Securing a permanent establishment is hugely important for businesses that wish to pursue international expansion. At EQ:IQ, we can help you to find a business premises and navigate the accompanying tax implications. Find out more about our PE and substance services today! 


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Cyprus Tax Compliance

The team at EQ:IQ are experts in ensuring tax compliance within Cyprus. When expanding your business into the country, there are many elements that you need to consider and take into account. We can do the hard work for you – our compliance services are unmatched. 


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Tax Advisory Services With EQ:IQ

Our tax advisory services are the cornerstone of our offering. With 8 different areas of speciality, we are capable of supporting and advising on any business ventures and tax implications that you may come across. Tailoring our services to your individual requirements means that we can offer the services that you need, when and where you need them. 

EQ:IQ is a team of chartered tax advisors, STEP-qualified practitioners, lawyers and so much more. We are commercially minded, and equipped with a keen understanding of the business world. Over 15 years of experience enables us to offer tax advisory services that are unmatched, both throughout Cyprus and across the UK. You couldn’t be in safer, or more knowledgeable, hands. 


Frequently Asked Questions 

What Is A Tax Advisor? 

A tax advisor is an individual with a professional knowledge of taxation. They typically holding a relevant qualification in Accountancy or Finance, or are informed by a wealth of experience. Their in-depth understanding of taxation enables them to offer tax advisory services, which can help to ensure the legal compliance, and increase the efficiency, of an individual or business. 

Who Can Legally Give Tax Advice? 

It is important to seek advisory services from the relevant qualified body. There are many different professionals that can legally offer tax advice, including solicitors, barristers, chartered accountants and chartered tax advisors. 

Where To Get Tax Advice? 

According to best practice, you should only seek tax advice from a qualified specialist. The team at EQ:IQ are the best possible professionals to dispense advice. We can help you to become cost-effective, tax-efficient and innovative, and begin transforming your business from our very first interaction. 


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